Sunday, April 13, 2008

The universe to die.

Leonardo could never have studied anatomy had people not died. And so, in order to stop the eventual rundown of the mutliverse it is needed for one branch, one leaf really, to be sacrificed for study.

Advanced as we have become, we once again find death and oblivion staring at us with it's inescapable glare.

An entire universe of galaxies, beings and laws - all to be destroyed. Destroyed, and studied so that all the rest might live.

And it shall be our universe.


Bryan R said...

"I can't get it over it, Marsha. The entire universe as an acceptable loss? How can we let them sacrifice everything?"

"It's not everything. That's what you have to remember. In our human experience it seems like everything. But if our universe were a planet, it would just be one of trillions of trillions."

"But why us?"

"Jeff, we've been over this. There is the most to gain and the least to lose. We've already collapsed several of the uninhabited 'verses, but those are just too dissimiliar to reveal what needs to be learned."

"I'd feel better if we were chosen because we are evil, or even stupid. But we're doomed because we're... average?"

"Yes, the most average of all the inhabited 'verses. Average in size, in physical laws, in chemical makeup, and in societal progression. What is learned from our collapse will apply to most or all of the others. And our culture, our music, even our humanity is likely mirrored in some sense in many of those universes. Little that is truly unique will be lost."

"I'm amazed you can accept it so easily. It just seems so unfair."

"Well you know, the universe - er, the multiverse - seldom is fair."

:| said...

A simple verification string signaled the end of our universe. I was the first human to receive the notification.

My feelings were indescribable. How does one feel knowing their lives are now determined.

Our universe was already dead, we were simply shadows walking.

As soon as the array of the mutliverse pulled the plug, our dice all rolled one final time.

The gears of chance had frozen up and halted and were already being examined and tallied.

Marsha phoned Jeff on her highest priority channel.

"Jeff! I think I have figured out how to tell what parts of the universe and at what times the rest of the multiverse is looking at!" Marsha was gathering various devices into her bag from about the laboratory.

"Marsha, your math is horrid and your logic is absent. Do you have no concept of a determined system? You can't get 'a step ahead' of them because you are already frozen. The gears of chance have stopped - we just like to think they haven't..."

Marsha was silent. Jeff had just begun to wonder if she had been cut off when she spoke to him again, "You mean, the 'average' person likes to think they haven't?"

Jeff felt a small paradigm bump at her implication.